20 Most Powerful Armies in the World


Is it the economical strength or the man power that makes a country powerful? Whatever the reason is, you can’t ignore the fact that it is the army of a country that secures the internal well-being of the nation as well as the external security from foreign attacks. Here is a list of the topmost strongest army of the world based on their armed force and weapons.

The Best Military in the World


strongest army in the world

The contemporary international situation is enough to prove who the best military in the world is. With almost $612 billion budget a year, 7000 nuclear weapons and 13000 weaponised aircraft; the American Military definitely rank the top of the list.


most powerful army in the world

Russia is giving USA a tough competition as it acquires a strong tank power. It possesses 8500 nuclear weapons along with 15,000 tanks and the Government has fixed a budget of $640 billion for the maintenance of the army.


best army in the world

Can you imagine a country possess active military personnel around 2.3 million? Only a vastly populated country like China can acquire that. Moreover, it has 250 nuclear weapons along with 9000 tanks.


largest army in the world

While talking about top 10 armies in the world, India will take place on the topper ones. With 1.3 million active personnel and 90 nuclear weapons along with large fleets of tanks, Indian Army can take on any other armies of the world.


best military in the world

The army of the United Kingdom possesses 200 nuclear weapons with 908 fighter planes. With 77 naval fleets, this army has rightfully made its place on the 5th position of the list.


top 10 armies in the world

With the central funding of $43 billion per year, 300 nuclear war heads and 1203 fighter planes, France has rightfully made its place in the list of the most powerful army of the world.


most powerful military in the world

The Germans spend $45 billion over military force which has 20,000 active military personnel along with 710 fighter planes. The skilled army has made the nation 7th among the strongest army of the world.


strongest army in the world

3500 tanks, 410,000 active soldiers, 1000 aircrafts- what do the nation need more to be the 8th among the toughest army of the world?

South Korea

most powerful army in the world

Maybe the people are calm and quiet, but their army is strong enough to protect them. It possesses 2300 tanks, 1400 fighter planes, 640,000 strong personnel and the central government funds the army with $34 billion per year.


best army in the world

The Japanese has the 1500 best fighter jets which are operated by the highly skilled pilots. The country spends $50 billion per year for the military maintenance.


largest army in the world

When every people of a country are military trained how they can’t be regarded as one of the toughest military powers of the world. 200 nuclear weapons and 4000 war tanks are there to make them stronger.


best military in the world

You may know this country for the art galleries, but 320,000 active soldiers, 800 aircrafts and 600 tanks are there to make the country face any foreign attacks.


top 10 armies in the world

They are strong due to 470,000 active soldiers, 5000 tanks, 4 submarines and 1100 military aircrafts.


most powerful military in the world

Pakistan possesses 90-100 nuclear weapons, 617,000 active and efficient soldiers, 3124 tanks and 847 military aircrafts to make it strong enough to face the world.


strongest army in the world

The central government spends $33 billion for the maintenance of 328,000 active soldiers and almost 748 fighter gets. Obviously, this is a strong armed force of the world.


most powerful army in the world

With 200 tanks, 4 submarines, 404 aircrafts and 68,000 skilled active soldiers, Canada has secured its place on the list of strongest army of this world.


best army in the world

To make their defense stronger, Taiwan had started to develop their military skill and now they possess 300,000 active soldiers, 4 military grade submarines, 2005 tanks and 775 aircrafts.


 best military in the world

1063 war tanks, 4 submarines and 475 aircrafts has made the 120,000 active soldiers able to take on any serious damage to face.


top 10 armies in the world

The massive army of this country contains 476,000 active personnel who utilize 400 tanks, 2 submarines and 400 planes in a superb and skilled way.


most powerful military in the world

This country possesses 395 fighter gets, 6 military grade submarines under 58,000 skilled army. The central government spends around $26 billion dollar on their armed force.

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